Dear Honourable Members, Distinguished Colleagues

It is with great pleasure that I welcome you to today’s plenary after a fairly long recess.

For me, today’s plenary is very significant and will no doubt be registered in the annals of Imo State House of Assembly history for two peculiar reasons.

The first reason stems from the fact that after many years, the Distinguished Honourable Members of Imo State House of Assembly are today, holding plenary in a completely reconstructed state-of-the- art Assembly Complex of world class standard.

Dear colleagues, you will agree with me that.we have never had it this good. The overhauling of the entire edifice came with unusual classic Hallow Chamber. Today, the plenary is going on In a digitalized artistic Hallow Chamber of conducive ambience for work. Many have argued that not even the National Assembly is better equipped than ours.
Where we are sitting now, as you can see, is well equiped with latest technology that makes our legislative process efficient, effective and seamless.

At this juncture, we must be grateful to God Almighty for the gift of His Excellency, Distinguished, Senator Hope Uzodimma (Onwa), as the Governor of Imo State.

The successes we have recorded in Imo State , particularly the reconstruction of our Assembly Complex, would not have been possible without the patriotic zeal, insight, love for the legislature and dogged determination of our Governor to place Imo State among the best in the comity of states.

It is my considered opinion, and I believe you share same with me, that Imo State House of Assembly is the most fortunate of all the Houses of Assembly in Nigeria. It takes a legislator to understand a legislator. That probably explains why our Governor, a super legislator, committed such huge resources in rebuilding the once dilapidated and scary House of Assembly Complex, geared towards making our Job easy. We cannot thank him enough.

The last reason this plenary is remarkable Is because, today is the first time yours truly, the man who in your wisdom, found worthy to be elected as Speaker, Imo State House of Assembly, is presiding at plenary of full legislative business in our ultra modern complex.
While thanking you for your individual and collective role in my elevation, I request for your continued support and prayers . Surely, together we shall excel in both our collective and individual legislative responsibilities to our people.

As we have moved into the campaign period in preparation for the general election, I wish our dear colleagues who are pursuing one political position or the other success in their various endeavours.

But let us remember that Imo State House of Assembly has not shut down and will not because of election. I therefore request that despite the rigor and tight schedule of campaign, we must endeavour to come to plenaries regularly and promptly. It is a duty we owe our constituencies and by extension Imolites.

We must pursue and discharge our legislative duties with vigor and commitment until the end of the life span of the 9th Assembly.

We must take our core legislative assignments- law making, oversight and appropriation seriously.

Once again, I wish to sincerely thank you my distinguished colleagues, our hard working Clerk, Barr. Mrs Chinelo Emeghara, great members of PASAN, Imo State Chapter, House of Assembly Correspondents and all those who are working at various levels for the success of IMHA.
Your are welcome!

Thank you.

Rt Hon. Barr Anthony Emeka Nduka
Speaker, IMHA.

Previous Achievers Award: Imo Speaker Emerges Most Proactive Speaker of The Year

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